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Hey there! Good to see you

Thank you for dropping by to see our story and who we are. We hope to see you join us on our mission to make healthy sleep accessible and create maximum awareness about the benefits of a good sleep.

Our why?

Jade Sleep was born out of a singular need-beds that adjust to your posture without compromising on the support. Seeing that the Indian market did not cater to that need, we embarked on our journey of constant research, engineering and learnings that has led to the launch of Jade Sleep. We wanted to create beds that could be beneficial for working millennials, but also senior citizens with growing ailments. Your body functions much, much better after a good night’s sleep – and we wanted to create beds and beddings that aided that.

Natural, truthful, and beyond.

While ethically creating our products, we wanted to make sure that they affect the environment as least as possible. As citizens of Earth, it is our responsibility to take care of how we can create minimal negative impact on the environment in every action we take. Our GOTSand GOLS certifications are a testament to our commitment towards Mother Earth.

Made in India. For India.

Every product we create, is specifically made for a regular Indian home. A home that has kids, pets, elders, couples, and sometimes even long-staying guests! And while we use top-grade international materials, everything is assembled by our team in Karnataka, and shipped directly from our factory. No middle-men, no distributors fee. Directly from us to your room.